New tools.
With the help of a good friend of mine named Mike Worley, I have recently learned how to do some simple things in photoshop and I'm very pleased with the results. The page of art I am posting is the very first page of a comic I have been working on for WAY too long now. It's called "The Devil Takes to Drink", and I still have quite a bit of work to do on it. But for the first time in a long while I am excited about it again, and with just the addition of a simple gray tone, it finally looks finished to me (well, except for the word ballons). I decided after some debate that I should just stick with a simple, 30% gray tone. This conclusion was reached after talking with Mike, Jim Woodyard and Jason Caskey, who were also hanging out as Mike showed me the ropes. Part of this was based on Jim's enthusiasm for David Mazzucchelli's art. I love his work as well, and it was after paging through some of his comics I had lying around that I decided to go in this direction with my own art. Originally I wanted to do more textured, complex halftones, but ended up doing this because I just think it looks so damn sharp. Anyway, this is just the first of many pages I plan to post. Enjoy.